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So my settings are set to English but there are still Spanish. Like quite a bit in the beginning.

Try changing the language in the settings.


It is English settings. But there is still a lot of words in Spanish. Like the note in the beginning is completely in Spanish for example 

English setting the twins are called Gemeas Segurancas. passing time messages are also in Spanish. English G tanslate kinda works but its painful to read through


That's not Spanish, it's Portuguese, and it's the original language of the game, that's why it happened 

its a good game but there is way to much going on especially introducing so many characters then putting them to the side for so long then reintroducing them to either get into their pants way to easy or to never do at all.

Could you add animations?

There are already CGI's in the game.

Quick question is there a way to look at the cafe owner or no? is so how

Estou começando a analisar seus trabalhos e seus jogos e cara de verdade. Eu agradeço muito, vc assim como eu tem ou tinha um pc muito merda. Mas graças a isso eu prevejo que serão jogos bem otimizados e com uma qualidade e animação boas. 

Porfavor continue com seus projetos!!! O Brasil agradece <3


Haha, obrigado, e sim, como eu tenho um pc merda, eu tento deixar o jogo mais leve possivel para rodar além do meu pc é claro, em outros pcs mais fracos.


Fun game, I like the premise, I just hope that in the future the English will be revised from the earlier game and later on (I'm not too far in so I don't know if its improved). The typing out of sound effects during H-Scenes is a little odd to me as I've never seen it done before but it's not exactly a bad thing, just unusual. Last thing I'd say is that I like how confident the MC is, not often you see actually competent MCs in a lot of these kinds of games. Nice change of pace for once.

Other than that keep up the good work!

Is femboy/trap avoidable?

Yes, it's possible. There's a part in the game where you'll be able to interact with him or completely remove him from your game.

I applauded you sir 

aooo potencia, o abbys vc prentende abrir um discord?, eu gostaria de conversar com vc e pedir umas dicas

Já tenho um discord basta progurar nas postagem aqui do jogo que você acha o link


 thank you for creating a perfect story, but I am a little scared that the character modeling will become fatter in the future. I wonder if I can give players visual choices in the future. Thank you for reading my comment.

Haha, don't worry, it won't change more than that. And no, you won't be able to choose visually; that would be too much work to implement.

btw, in the "my harem" menu, i think Manami's image is Sky's mother, is that a mistake?

Lol, thanks for letting me know. The name glitched; I'll fix it in the next update. That was a test name, and I forgot to remove it.

so i think i finished the current game (i also have the same picture as the person below, and the CGI gallery is full, but i'm missing a ton of images, are those patreon only or did i just miss them for some reason? lol

If you're referring to the gallery images, then the ones in this update are exclusive to Patreon. In the next update, they will be available in the free version.

oigan me pueden ayudar porque ya no me deja continuar si alguien tiene la respuesta me la pueden dar porfa

This update ends here. Please wait for the next update.

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Pensé que estaba asta el capítulo 11 parece que me equivoque perdon 😅

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i just met Aita in the story and i'm curious if he/she gets any scenes, i wouldn't even mind if it was something with mc lol


You will have a surprise in the next episode, hehe.

Will any of your games have impreg?

This game will have that in the future.

Hello abbyscat, can you translate your game into Brazilian Portuguese please, if so please answer me

O jogo já está em Portugues do Brasil, basta ir nas configurações do jogo e mudar a linguagem para o Português.

(1 edit)

OK thanks, and keep making your amazing games, I hope you only succeed

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that's quite the different cast of girls in the main picture, there's something for everyone lol

is there any anal scenes? forced sex? lesbian? ntr and stuff like that? would be nice to have a list of all the fetishes and stuff in the page lol


In the next update, I'll put the list of tags on the main page. No, I don't plan to add NTR. Lesbian content, maybe, and forced sex, maybe as well. As for anal sex, that's definitely going to be included.

This really needs some rewriting. The pacing is terrible, characters that are actually interesting are abandoned constantly in favor of new faces without a chance to really develop, let alone letting anything romantic develop. It feels like only the primary plot is given consideration, and the rest is just a vehicle to drive the plot forward... meaning it becomes difficult to invest in any of these empty characters.

Either you didn't play the whole game or you didn't read anything I wrote on the initial page. I mentioned there that I added so many girls to have more future content and that from episode 11 onward, I would focus only on the girls already in the game to deepen the story. It seems like you didn't read anything and just came to criticize for the sake of criticizing, which makes things difficult, man.

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No, I get that. You're right though, my criticism is mean spirited here, and I do apologize for that. It was uncalled for. That said, I hope that you slow the stories roll, and focus far less on such a broad cast, and instead on deepening the relationships already presented.

I intend to do that from episode 11 onward.

Apologies again for my inadequate explanation. I'm trying to suggest that, essentially, you're going to have to write backwards. Flesh things out and adjust pacing. Eventually, you're probably going to come to this conclusion on your own.
I am being an armchair commander and an ass though, and even my apologies are sounding superficial and assinine. Sorry for being an insufferable know it all. I really do respect you a great deal, for being able to carry through a complex project like this to such a point, and for really putting yourself out there. I'm sorry if I only served to embitter you with poorly aimed criticisms, and hope you'll ignore naysayers like myself and keep doing your good work.

I really liked your game, there are things to improve but out there I loved it

Thanks for the feedback <3

Cara, esse jogo é bom, divertido e tem bastante potencial, até agora estou adorando, embora ache que tem algumas oportunidades perdidas, como quando o mc vai comprar uma moto, a cena corta para o momento onde a papelada é assinada, quando aquele era um momento perfeito pra loirinha levar ele pra um escritório ou uma salinha fechada e ter uma cena mais... Adulta naquele momento, mas no geral é um jogo bom.

haha isso é verdade, ate eu pensei nisso mais ja era tarde para voltar o jogo todo e consertar isso.

Talvez não, talvez você possa tirar tempo, ao invés de fazer um capítulo novo, refazer capítulos antigos, além disso, não é como se ao refazer capítulos antigos não dê para adicionar conteúdo novo, é só aproveitar pequenas chances como a que eu falei.

Outra coisa que senti foi que tudo é muito fácil e rápido, como quando pagamos a dívida do Aika, isso acontece em minutos, sendo que não precisava, talvez alguns días após a conversa no quarto eles pudessem ir até o dono da casa juntos e assinar a papelada.

do you plan on making Aika have Lewd scenes?  I would absolutely love that if so


yay :3. When do you plan on releasing the next update? 

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I started creating Episode 12 today, so I'm not sure when it will be released.


I didn't like this VN

tbh there are far better stories out there and the "rewinding, back in time" is just so cliche at this point. The explanation is so vague and even stupid. The characters' body composition vary from one scene to another and man come on. I just couldn't play this.

I'm sorry if I'm a bit too harsh but things gotta be said.

I really liked the menu though good work on that.



People like you are the low lives of the world. You play an indie game completely for free and still feel entitled to share your crappy opinion online meanwhile you're probably 60 dollars for a AAA game that's designed as a cash grab and filled with micro transactions to the brim.

If I have to guess you're under 18 because only children do such a messed up thing. Grown-up simply ignore games they didn't like if they didn't spend any money on them

I thought the same thing. The style of the girls doesn't change from one scene to another. The only part that changed was in Episode 11, and I left a notice about it. But from Episode 1 to 10, everything remained the same. The "cliché" of "going back in time" was just an excuse I used to try to create a cool story. I just didn't understand all this criticism.

Isn't this plot similar to the manhwua Return of legend.  ride on man👍


I only used a few things from the beginning of the manhwa as inspiration; after that, I followed my own path.

Eu gostei do jogo, história legal e personagens interessantes, o que me incomodou um pouco foi tanto na parte dos textos, muitas partes do texto em inglês(eu joguei o jogo em inglês) estão não muito fluídas ou com um erro gramatical aqui e acolá(nada que atrapalhasse meu entendimento até onde lembro), e até mesmo aonde está em português(nas partes não traduzidas) tem erros que só brasileiro comete, tipo "mais" no lugar de "mas" ou essas coisas.

Eu sei que pode não ser o caso, mas aquele último personagem, na criação dele você se inspirou em alguém conhecido como Raluca?...


Eu curti o jogo mas tem alguns pontos na história que achei meio estranho e os textos também contribuíram para esses 2 pontos a menos.

E par finalizar, boa decisão em não aumentar mais a quantidade de personagens, além do fato de que te daria mais trabalho, também tem a consequência de uma história com muitos personagens, pois quanto mais personagens mais desenvolvimento na história o que faria com que ela fosse demasiadamente longa, afetando tanto pra quem lê quanto pra quem escreve. Não só isso, mas quanto mais personagens em um jogo mais difícil fica para lembrar deles (principalmente quando falamos de uma História Interativa) e se em algum momento aparecer o personagem X ou Y os jogadores ficariam "ué quem é esse cara??".


sim, eu não falo ingles fluentemente então tive que usar o deepl como tradutor, então ele sempre comete alguns erros e não a garota não é inpirada na raluca kkkkkkkkk, e sim, eu não vou adicionar novas garotas por agora, vou focar nas que ja tem.

Ok first, thanks for the Update and Upgrade. It's Kinda Short but it's very Worth it when you see the Quality. The Previous Character sprites are already good but it's nice of you to give them Assets. Looking forward to the next Update. Also, Looking forward for more FMCs.

Thank you for liking the game. I hope you continue following the upcoming updates.


is there futa?


No, lol.

Show post...



It has a Spanish translation.

Show post...

Gracias :)

(2 edits)

I hope you get better from the flu,it will take me a few days to play the new episode because the damn flu doesn't even let me get out of bed, (this game is really one of my favorites, soon I think I will start supporting this game on patreon) I hope you get better. ❤️


I know how it is; I was like that until recently. I'd get up, come to the PC, work on the game a bit, but my body couldn't take it, and I'd go back to bed. I hope you get better.


It seems that some people are having issues with the APK version of the game. I recommend using JoiPlay to play the PC version on your phone; it's better and more stable. I've tried to fix the error in the text message parts of the game, where the MC's dialogues don't appear, but this only happens in the APK version. It's definitely a problem with Ren'Py compiling the game for APK.

First, Nice Job on the intro having a GT 720 while making this is ghadly XD. But some images aren't translated (Very minor) like the Eviction notice the paper isn't translated but you Subtitled it which is nice and I Like it. But dying to a blast radius is kinda Pathetic but understandable also Very Great Job for introducing the MC and the characters. Also, few may not notice it but thanks for implementing a delete save not many use it nowadays. And YES FINALLY, A real Character development not just time skip and stuff an Actual Character development. I also like what you going with this A modern world with a touch of fantasy and Future is always a Chef's kiss if the author knows the Flow(if you know what I mean hehe).

Totally, 9.8/10

(.2 deduction for some Untranslated stuff but no worries)

I really Enjoyed reading this.

See you on the next Update. ^^


Thank you for the great feedback. Regarding the delete saves button, yes, most games just ignore that, and for those who play both on PC and mobile, deleting saves normally is a nightmare. That's why I included it in my game. The untranslated things like the eviction message were indeed my mistake, and I plan to fix them in the next updates. As for some translation errors, unfortunately, even though I try to fix them, more and more keep popping up :/ haha. Anyway, thanks again for the great feedback, and I hope you enjoy the upcoming updates.

i love this game but no matter how often i reinstall it, the phone messages are always bugged, sometimes the pictures arw missing, sometimes certain characters are just blank and at the moment the messages of the MC are blank

It's not that bad since i can understand most things depending on what the other characters write, but it's still annoying 


In the Android version?



Strange... I'll generate another version of the APK and post it here to see if that resolves the problem. Of course, I'll test it on my phone first.

Aight, It looks good the plot seems unique in a way, there's only a handful time travel AVNs that seems good. Might play this later.

I'll write a review soon. Wish me luck ^^

How to download from external files? I'm not familiar to it.


Sorry about this, I wanted to host the downloads directly on, but the site has this annoying 1GB size limit. Even though I requested more space, they still haven't responded. So, I had to make a choice: either upload the files outside of the site and post them here, or leave the game without a new update on

OK, so how do I download from the external files, how to works? 

Just choose whether you want to download the Windows, Mac, or Android version. Click to download, and you will be redirected to either Mediafire or MEGA. On either site, just click "Download" to get the game normally. If you're concerned about anything, you can use an ad blocker to block ads on the Mediafire site, or download directly from the MEGA site, which has no ads.

Do I need to download the Mega app? 


Im in love with this game and the story i like how straightforward and flexible it is. Keep up the good work 

Thank you, I plan to keep it that way, adding elements of fantasy here and there, just to ensure the game doesn't become totally boring.

is there any tips in find gallery pictures?

None of them. Most of the gallery photos will appear as you play, except for three. These three are in the point-and-click mode: one under the flower bed in the first map, the second at the metro door, and the third on the school wall next to the window.

This game looks interesting but i use the Itch app and it says it is hosted on a third party platform. As i understand it , that is because your past your alloted size requirement but i also heard you can upgrade or ask for them to increase it. Hopefully when you get a chance you can get that done. Ill be keeping an eye on the game and try again at a later time great job so far.

I've already requested more space, but always complicates things, asking for a lot of unnecessary information just to grant an additional 1GB of storage. This has been a major hassle for me. I've been trying to increase the storage for a while now with no success. That's why I've had to host the files outside of on Mega and Mediafire.

I gotcha, the game looks great and hopefully things get worked out in the near future. I look forward to keeping an eye on further development. 

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hey i like the game and the story you got going on but wouldn't it be helpful for you to make a discord so people could help you with spelling mistakes and stuff?

I already have Discord, I'm just not a frequent user.

I think what he meant was a Discord Server were people can join and help with the game. For example I could help with the German Translation and Programming.

I'll look into it later with more attention.


Love the new update, also can put the translated word below the original words. (like this), please. Also keep up the good work. 


I liked the chapters there are and the characters are charismatic I liked them

Some text language did not match the language I choosen, I choose English but one text language are not, the scene where the Mc receive the letter from his apartment. 

This letter is a PNG with text in an image. I'd have to translate this image into every language, and it would be too much work to link each image to each language. In the next update, I'll put a text box below with the translation.

This letter is a PNG with text in an image. I'd have to translate this image into every language, and it would be too much work to link each image to each language. In the next update, I'll put a text box below with the translation.


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