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Bro, I'm playing chapter 23 and the sounds cannot be heard and in the previous chapter all of them were heard, is it an error or something?

Jogo muito bom, concertesa uns dos meus favoritos, porém eu acho que as cenas com a Reina não estão tão boas, deveriam ser um pouco mais longas e mais elaboradas.

Acredito que o jogo ficaria bem melhor também se focarem em personagens que já foram apresentados ao invés de apresentar novos toda atualização.

Tirando isso, o jogo e incrível parabéns pelo trabalho.

(1 edit) (+2)

Just read the new update and as always it's great. So my only criticism is the length, I'm sure you get all kinds of pressure to keep releasing updates, and with multiple titles it gets even worse. Personally I want you to know most of us don't mind waiting longer so the updates have more content. If it takes 30-60 min to get through the update then you feel like you're watching an Anime show. But since ep.23 took less than 10 min to read through and it felt more like a preview than an episode. 

Again i love your work, just wish the updates were longer.

Is the download button removed or am I just being dense?

I'm uploading EP23, so I temporarily removed the old downloads.


El juego está en español? Y las versiones de patreon también?


when is the next update just finished the current build?

EP23 is already available on Patreon, but I’ll only post it here once I start developing EP24.

Is the game story completed? 


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Hi, I am enjoying the game but there is one very frustrating part for me.  May I ask why you give choices to be with many of the girls or not but then force that dominating maid on us?  Why cant we avoid her? Really liking the story otherwise. Thanks.

Are you talking about the point-and-click section in the mansion? That scene only happens there, and it was originally meant to be a Patreon bonus, but I ended up making it free. So don’t worry, there won’t be more things like that.

Yeah that's the part i'm talking about.  It was a confusing set if events kinda just suddenly so much and I really wanted an option to turn the dominating maid down.  Thanks for the reply.


is your ego that easily fragile lol

I don't care for domination scenes from either perspective.  To each their own.

Sorry to ask, but what did happen with the f95 page of the game 


She was reported, and the game page got banned for supposedly having "inappropriate content," even though there are games on F95 with way worse stuff, and they’re still up. They didn’t even give me a chance to fix anything, they just deleted it and used that as an excuse. So yeah, I gave up on the site.

Damn, that's f***** up, so you wlll only use Itch and Patreon now ? 

A good way to keep the fans updated of things would be an discord too,  would be really good btw.

Unfortunately, yes, just and Patreon. As for Discord, I already have it, and here’s the link:


mods are a joke on there when it comes to rule 7 (aka loli content) they flip flop on what is ok or not yet shota content is free to run rampant on the site this is not even counting the loli content still on there like there is legit a game where a loli gets ra*e or has sex with monsters to give birth with others lol and no one bats a eye.

This game has at most one part with a girl who ONE does not even look that under age and TWO you can flat out avoid doing anything with her

Exactly, that place is full of content like that or even worse, and yet the mods don’t ban it or do anything about it. That’s why I just gave up on the site. I don’t plan on posting anything else there, not while those mods are still running the place.


It's really unbelievable. If they're removing your game from the platform but not other games, it's clear that there's a vested interest. This kind of discrimination and injustice seriously undermines the sense of equality in the gaming industry. Especially when it happens on one of the biggest and most well-known platforms in the industry, it becomes an even bigger shame.

Moreover, the fact that there was no warning before your game was removed makes the situation even worse. At the very least, users have the right to find out what the problem is and seek a solution. A sudden and seemingly unprovoked decision like this shows a huge lack of respect for both the game developers and the community.

I think that such a disgrace will directly damage the reputation of the platform and the trust of its user base. It is a fact that a fair competition environment should be created in the industry. But it seems that some platforms ignore this principle.


Exactly, and the saddest part was when I made a post asking why the game was banned, only to have a bunch of other devs show up just to mock me. It was disheartening. I asked the admin to close the post, and that was that. I genuinely liked F95, but under these circumstances, it’s impossible to post anything there. You go on the site, and all you see are games with incredibly heavy themes and tons of messed-up stuff, but they don't get taken down because they're the site’s "favorites." Unfortunately, that's what F95 has become, a dictatorship controlled at the whim of a few.

whoa its abit of a heel turn with the sisters when it came to the dad there or was this just something brewing to spill over?

It was already something prepared, just not very explicit.

lol ok i knew they said they had no love for each other and all that but damn they all went knifes out here. Well tbf it was his fault the family ended up how they where to the time reset

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Exactly, and if the MC hadn’t done what he did, everything would’ve repeated itself he’d die, and the family would fall apart.

well the threat has been removed time to impregnate the mom >:D

Haha, soon enough!

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When the plane crashes and you get stuck on the island, after calling for help with the robot the menu options bellow the text disappear, making it impossible to save the game, skip, auto or access the menu, this has been an error since the last version. I play on Android.

Yes, I've already been told about this. This error will be fixed in the next update.

Alright thanks a lot

Can the author add Chinese to the language……

Maybe in the next update.

That's great, it's a surprise

When I want to see the girls in the waterfall (in the ep21 I think) this happening, in the mobile version.

Since update 21(I think) there is no menu (the place where you can go back, skip, etc)

A string error, this option is Patreon-exclusive. It will be fixed in a later version.


I don't mind the changed models on the sex scenes but i feel like they are out of place and it kinds throws out the pace of the scene i like the old models that were used from ep 13 and prior they were better paced and felt and run smoother rather then just clicking the screen and the scene moves along as well 

It's especially off putting when you have the scene at the poll it's really jaring how the model looks because on the chair from behind the scene looks good but once you get the front angle it looks really bad because the chapter before when you had scene with your lawyer was really good

bruh the shader you use on eiko sometimes make it looks like she want's to kill or just flat out eat the MC

lol 😆😆😆😆😆😆

There are not enough words in the world to describe how good this story is.


so do you get to fuck the mom yet or not??????

Hey i cant update the game this is the error i am getting. Any idea of what to do?

This seems to be an issue with (link unavailable) itself. Sorry, but there's nothing I can do to fix it. You can download the game through the web browser, and your save will load as usual.

Pra quem estiver com este problema vou ensinar como atualizar sem perder o save vá em na pasta Android-Data-com.abbyscat.mnsc-Files-Saves copie todos os Saves e deixe em uma pasta feito isso desinstale a versão antiga e abaixe a nova entra no jogo e faça uma save aleatório agora basta pegar a save na pasta e fazer mesmo caminho pra colar no saves em com.abbyscat.mnsc serve para a maioria dos jogos usem o aplicativo Zarchive espero ter ajudado 🫡

Ajudou muito, espero que as outras pessoas leiam isso ^>^

Hello, I'm new here and wanted to play de game, but I see they're chapters. Do I need to install all individually? Or just downloading EP 20 is enough?

There are no individual chapters. Just download the game and all chapters will be included.

Hi, I loveyour game, it's amazing
I read the VN time ago, but I don't remember the name
do you have it?


I read that a long time ago, and I honestly don’t remember the name, haha. I used the manhwa I read in the past as the basis for the beginning of my VN.


I was wondering why the beginning sounded so familiar and because of that I found the manwha: "the return of the legend". It should be that one


Yes, exactly, that was the name. I just remembered I started working on this game while I was reading that manhwa.

I just want to ask this to make sure if this is coming from my end, or not, but I keep getting "file wasn't available on site" with and without VPN whenever I download it

If you're afraid of surpassing the Itchio apk size limit, you could always use an external link for it, like pixeldrain or gofile. You could also create a second more "light" version for the android users who don't have enough space for a big game


Regarding external links, I’ve tried that before, but the audience didn’t really like it. However, now I know how to send larger files. As for a lighter version, I’m already working on that for the Android crowd by lowering video quality. If it ends up being larger than I expect, I might need to reduce the image quality for the Android version.

Is this sandbox first time player

Yes, it's a simple sandbox.

Mas eu baixo pelo navegador, mas na hora de instalar ele fala q já tem um pacote instalado

Se for no Android, apague a versão antiga e instale a nova.

Porque quando eu baixo a nova atualização ele n consegue instalar, porque fala que já tem um arquivo baixado

tente baixar o arquivo pelo navegador, você está falando do APK? se for isso então vai ter que desistalar o APK antigo.

aparece isso, oq tem que fazer??

Ta dizendo que já tem uma versão antiga instalada, vai nas Configurações do celular, depois em aplicativo, e procure o nome do jogo por lá, depois você apaga ele e instala a nova versão.

Mas não vou perder os arquivos já salvo não?




Porque quando eu eu peço pra atualizar ele n atualizar, pq fala q já tem um arquivo já baixado?

como assim, me explica isso direito.

Tente baixar usando o navegador.

Aparece que já tem arquivo instalado


Poderia ter a opção de tirar a música, na hora H SB kk

Ai eu teria que criar outro canal de áudio, talvez lá para o EP20 eu faça isso.

When I try to update the app on Android it fails and says "The app cannot be installed because there is an already existing package". What can I do? 

Bte, it happens even with game closed.

Try uninstalling the current version without deleting the files, then install the new version.

It didn't work. I uninstalled just the version, without touching the files, and either the new version doesn't recognise the old files or it overwrites them.

Gotta skip straight to new content by taping the screen. Thanks for the answer though and for your time.

I think there is a problem with the Android APK, when opening and starting a new game an error appears and there is no other option but to close the game:((

ok i cant fig how im not able to do the bot lass. any ideas?

Well, what can I say, I liked the game, please slow down your ass a little with the smallest, it looks a little strange, and when the hero's sisters are already there, stop teasing me

eu abri o hoje só pra ver se tem uns jogos novos, e olha só, cheguei vem no dia da atualização, o pai aqui tem sorte, não tem como... there's no way...

vou jogar amanhã, vou dormir slk, 23:09


why is the 18 yr old girls look and act like a little kid like is kinda weird asf when every time they are on scene?

Eu só acho que poderia ter uma opção de desligar a música, pra ficar ouvindo do os á intende?

Mas tem a opção de desligar a musica kkkkk

Hey man just a suggestion, but can you focus on some translation? it does get confusing sometimes.

is there a way to fullscreen on pc?

Yes, just press the F key on the keyboard, and the game will go full screen.

Eu tenho que falar isso porque é um marco historico pra mim.

Esse foi o primeiro Patreon que eu paguei na vida. Então uau vc me conquistou com seu jogo kkkkkkkk.

kkkkkkkkkk nossa, obrigado!!

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